Display Processor
The Display Processor (DPRO) is responsible for the display of incident status information obtained from Field Observers (FOBS), aerial and ortho photographs, and infrared data. The DPRO reports to the Situation Unit Leader (SITL) and works in the Planning functional area. 

DPRO Qualification Requirements

Required Training
ICS-100, Introduction to ICS
IS-700, NIMS: An Introduction

Required Experience
Completion and Certification of NWCG Display Processor (DPRO) Position Task Book, PMS 311-31

Physical Fitness Level: None Required
Position does not require a physical fitness level.

These Positions Maintain Currency For DPRO
Situation Unit Leader (SITL)

DPRO Maintains Currency For These Positions

Other Training Which Supports Development Of Knowledge And Skills
S-110, Basic Wildland Fire Orientation
S-245, Display Processor

Field Observer - FOBS

FOBS Qualification Requirements

Required Training

Required Experience

  • Satisfactory performance as any Single Resource Boss position including (CRWBHEQBENGBFELBFIRBHMGB)​
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Field Observer (FOBS) Position Task Book, PMS 311-30


Physical Fitness Level: Moderate

Duties involve fieldwork requiring complete control of all physical faculties and may include considerable walking over irregular ground, standing for long periods of time, lifting 25 to 50 pounds, climbing, bending, stooping, squatting, twisting, and reaching. Occasional demands may be required for moderately strenuous activities in emergencies over long periods. Individuals usually set their own work pace.


These Positions Maintain Currency For FOBS

FOBS Maintains Currency For These Positions

  • Fire Effects Monitor (FEMO)
  • Situation Unit Leader (SITL)

Other Training Which Supports Development Of Knowledge And Skills

Safety Officer, Line - SOFR

The Safety Officer, Line (SOFR) is responsible for monitoring the overall operation of an incident from a risk management perspective to provide for the welfare of assigned resources. SOFRs can be assigned to incidents of any complexity level. On Type 3, 4, or 5 incidents, they may be the lead safety officer, reporting to the Incident Commander (IC) and on Type 2 or 1 incidents, they may report to the lead safety officer – Safety Officer, Type 1 (SOF1) or Safety Officer, Type 2 (SOF2). SOFRs may supervise a Medical Unit Leader (MEDL) or other members in the safety organization. SOFRs work in the Command functional area.

(SOFR is not a prerequisite to NWCG SOF2.)

Required Training

  • ICS-300, Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
  • ICS-400, Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff
  • RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR)

Required Experience

  • Satisfactory performance as Strike Team Leader including (STCR, STEQ, STEN)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Safety Officer, Line (SOFR) Position Task Book, PMS 311-82


  • Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Safety Officer, Line (SOFR) Position Task Book, PMS 311-82

Physical Fitness Level: Moderate

Duties involve fieldwork requiring complete control of all physical faculties and may include considerable walking over irregular ground, standing for long periods of time, lifting 25 to 50 pounds, climbing, bending, stooping, squatting, twisting, and reaching. Occasional demands may be required for moderately strenuous activities in emergencies over long periods. Individuals usually set their own work pace.

These Positions Maintain Currency For SOFR

  • Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2)
  • Strike Team Leader including (STCR, STEN, STEQ)
  • Task Force Leader (TFLD)

SOFR Maintains Currency For These Positions

  • Single Resource Boss including (CRWB, ENGB, FELB, FIRB, HEQB)
  • Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
  • Safety Officer Complex (SOFC)
  • Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2)
  • Strike Team Leader including (STCR, STEN, STEQ)
  • Task Force Leader (TFLD)

Other Training Which Supports Development Of Knowledge And Skills

  • None


The Safety Officer, Line (SOFR) position is not prerequisite to the NWCG Safety Officer Type 2 (SOF2) position. 

Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 2 - RXB2

The Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 2 (RXB2) ensures that all prescribed fire plan specifications are met before, during, and after a low or moderate complexity prescribed fire. The RXB2 is responsible to the Agency Administrator, prescribed fire manager, Fire Management Officer (FMO), or local fire management organization for implementing the prescribed fire plan. The RXB2 works in the Prescribed Fire functional area.

All prescribed fire operations shall be conducted in accordance with the NWCG Standards for Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation, PMS 484, and applicable federal, state, and tribal policies.

The RXB2 performs position duties commensurate with Type 2 incident complexity and characteristics stated in the Interagency Standards for Fire and Fire Aviation Operations (Red Book).

Required Training

  • RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR)
  • RX-410, Smoke Management Techniques
  • S-390, Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations 

Required Experience

  • Satisfactory performance as a Firing Boss, Single Resource (FIRB)
  • AND Satisfactory performance as an Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 2 (RXB2) Position Task Book, PMS 311-74

Physical Fitness Level: Moderate

Duties involve fieldwork requiring complete control of all physical faculties and may include considerable walking over irregular ground, standing for long periods of time, lifting 25 to 50 pounds, climbing, bending, stooping, squatting, twisting, and reaching. Occasional demands may be required for moderately strenuous activities in emergencies over long periods. Individuals usually set their own work pace.

These Positions Maintain Currency For RXB2​

  • Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 1 (RXB1)
  • Prescribed Fire Manager (RXMG)
  • Strategic Operational Planner (SOPL)
  • RXB2​ Maintains Currency For These Positions
  • Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1)
  • Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2)
  • Incident Commander Type 4 (ICT4)
  • Prescribed Fire Burn Boss Type 1 (RXB1)
  • Prescribed Fire Manager (RXMG)
  • Single Resource Boss including (ENGB, FELB, FIRB, HEQB, CRWB)
  • Strategic Operational Planner (SOPL)
  • Strike Team Leader including (STCR, STEN, STEQ)
  • Task Force Leader (TFLD)

Other Training Which Supports Development Of Knowledge And Skills

  • L-380, Fireline Leadership
  • RX-310, Introduction to Fire Effects
  • RX-341, Prescribed Fire Burn Plan Preparation
  • RX-301, Prescribed Fire Implementation 


Intermediate Faller - FAL2

The Intermediate Faller (FAL2) has demonstrated the proficiency to work unsupervised while engaging in moderate complexity fireline saw operations, including tree felling, bucking, brushing, and limbing. A FAL2 may perform FAL1 tasks under the direct supervision of a FAL1. The FAL2 may serve as a single resource or as a member of a firefighting crew or module and may at times be tasked to provide oversight to other Basic Fallers (FAL3). A FAL2 serving as part of a module, reports to a Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1) or one of the Single Resource Bosses (FELB, CRWB, ENGB, FIRB, HMGB). A FAL2 serving as a single resource reports to a Felling Boss (FELB), Strike Team/Task Force Leader (TFLD), or other assigned supervisor. The FAL2 works in the operations functional area.

Required Training

  • RT-130, Wildland Fire Safety Training Annual Refresher (WFSTAR)

Required Experience

  • Satisfactory performance as a Basic Faller (FAL3)
  • AND Completion and Certification of NWCG Intermediate Faller (FAL2) Position Task Book, PMS 311-91*

*The use of the approved NWCG PTB for the FAL2 position is highly encouraged. However, agency-specific evaluation processes that document Completion and Certification of PTB can be used in lieu of the PTB if they meet or exceed the standard identified in the associated position task book.

Physical Fitness Level: Arduous

Duties involve fieldwork requiring physical performance calling for above-average endurance and superior conditioning. These duties may include an occasional demand for extraordinarily strenuous activities in emergencies under adverse environmental conditions and over extended periods of time. Requirements include running, walking, climbing, jumping, twisting, bending, and lifting more than 50 pounds; the pace of work typically is set by the emergency situation.

These Positions Maintain Currency For FAL2

  • Advanced Faller (FAL1)
  • FAL2 Maintains Currency For These Positions
  • Basic Faller (FAL3)
  • Firefighter Type 2 (FFT2)

Other Training Which Supports Development Of Knowledge And Skills

  • M-410, Facilitative Instructor
  • S-131, Firefighter Type 1
  • S-219, Firing Operations
  • S-211, Portable Pumps and Water Use

About The Healthy Forest Alliance

The Healthy Forest Alliance Foundation Inc. is a Nonprofit Corporation - CA - Public Benefit (6573681)